vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011

Doar eu...

Si-as vrea sa plec in miez de noapte...
Cand luna isi revarsa a sa lumina.
Sa uit de tot, sa fiu departe
Nimeni sa stie de sunt sau nu tarana...

Sa fug prin iarba aspra, verde
Sa fiu doar eu si-o umbra-n urma.
Si-atunci cand soarele va arde,
Ale lui raze sa m-adoarma.

Sa fiu un suflet ratacit,
Sa zbier, sa urlu-n mine,
Sa-mi vantur parul rosu si tocit,
Sa simt ca lumea-mi apartine.

joi, 3 noiembrie 2011

Everything but me...

I wish I was a butterfly.
I would have wings, I'd live a day,
I'd fly alone ,I'd fly away,
I wouldn't know that thing named "cry".

I wish I was a ghost, a shadow.
Wouldn't be seen, wouldn't be heard,
I would be lonely, never loved,
I wouldn't feel the pain, the sorrow...

I wish I was the gorgeous winter.
I'd be cold, I would be white,
I'd shine at the moon at night,
I would be pure, I'd live forever...

I wish I was everything but me.
I wish I was the lovely rain ,
Or someone's teardrops, someone's pain,
I wish I was the time, the sea...