miercuri, 19 noiembrie 2014

Candles at my funeral

People in black, tears and sad alcohol.
A coffin. So beautiful and dire it rises
In the middle of the long, white hall.
Inside of it - my corpse with bruises.

But I’m awake, trapped in the mirror
That they forgot to cover.
And children, of the death they shiver,
Dreaming of their world in colour.

Their light- so warm and strong…
Several died at once with me…
They stood beside the dead for so long-
The candles and the loud wails of Banshee.

Tears touch my lich as it lays there
Just like they used to do before…
 Drops fall down as their faces stare
On dead and on the dusty floor.

Now all those faces dressed in black,
They took the coffin with my corpse-
But candles still sight as they spark
On the background of sad chords.

And now… just me and them…
Hoping that the mirror cracks.
So I can runaway into the realm,
Dead, along the railroad tracks.

miercuri, 30 iulie 2014

Şi eu, ca un chibrit ars... 

Şi eu, ca un chibrit ars, stins,
Las un ultim fum pe-această lume. 
Şi-o dată cu bezna ce s-a extins 
Până şi ultimul meu vis apune. 

Pesimism, ură domnesc în mine.
Tu, suflet negru ce mă-neci... 
Trăind o viaţă fără creaturi divine 
Abis în care cad, tot cad de veci. 

Căci mort pot spune că de mult am fost; 
Cadavru bântuind prin ale voastre vieţi 
Necunoscut, trist chiar, fără de rost. 
Suflati încet, nu reaprindeti... 

sâmbătă, 28 iunie 2014


Look how it all snows in December…
Through the windows, my dear, look-
Tell them again to bring more ember
So I can hear the coals, and how they cook.

And bring the armchair by the stove,
‘Cause by the flue I want to hear the squall,
Or even my days, I don’t care at all -
I wish their symphony I could compose.

And also tell them to bring by the tea,
And even you, my dear, come closer; -
Read me some of the North Pole, where I want to be,
And let it snow… to bury us until we’re over.

In here, at your own place, it’s a hot weather.
And all from here, I count them as they’re holy; -
Look how it all snows in December…
Read forward, darling…don’t be jolly.

Yet it’s still day, look how much darkness…
Tell them to bring the old lamp too –
Look at the snow, even the fence, it reaches,
And frost stands by the latch like glue.

I won’t go home. Here I surrender…
It’s flood there, even on the alley,
Look how it all snows in December,
Read forward, darling…don’t be jolly.

Traducând în engleză poezia "Decembrie" a lui George Bacovia

duminică, 22 iunie 2014

Of winter
A corpse, a raven, a field and I.    
Winter…and it begins to snow-
The snow around can touch the sky
No one, snow, and always snow.

-Oh, raven!
What is the point of a blinded soul…
What comes alone in wilderness-
When I don’t know how a year passes
Oh, raven!
What is the point of a blinded soul…

-Oh, raven!
What is the point of another blinded soul-
Delays, a covered grave-
Is it life or just another dreamy wave-

Oh, raven!
What is the point of another blinded soul…

Belated, and it snows, the night is falling,
I am alone at once…
Here’s the city, no one on the alley course-
Peace, nothingness, at home I am arriving!

Traducând în engleză poezia "De iarnă" a lui George Bacovia

miercuri, 26 martie 2014

 Cădere în abisuri

În ceas de noapte, pe ascuns,
Un fulg de stea a evadat
Din al său univers prea trist si demodat.
Şi a plutit uşor spre nepătruns.

Prea mult era acum de explorat.
Nici nu ştia de unde sa inceapă.
De pe uscat sau din flămanda apă ?
Sau din adâncuri, din tărâmul cel uitat ?

Căci pe uscat, de noi, uriaşii, poate fi călcat,
Iar de oglinda apei de va fi-nghiţit,
El se va stinge-ncet, de valuri amuţit.
Dar şi de-adâncuri se temea a fi-ngropat.

Atunci fulgul de stea şi-a amintit
Cum s-a rupt el pe ascuns de steaua-mamă.
Şi dintr-o lume-n care el era iubit,
Va fi acum o simplă, neînsemnată scamă.